FEEL First - Media Training with a FEEL Lens With Deirdre Breakenridge

Get noticed and become the Go-To Expert for the media

There’s nothing like a big media feature to change your business.

You know high-profile media appearances can transform your business bringing you new clients, enhance your reputation and visibility AND position you as the Go-To Expert in your niche. You know... the kind of expert that has clients paying a premium price.

You would love to just be able to get in front of the camera and be yourself, sharing your story, how you built your business and why you are the most sought-after expert in your field.

But… you have no idea how to prepare and show up for those interviews.

  • What if you are asked a question you were not prepared for?

  • What if the interviewer doesn’t stick to the script you previously reviewed?

  • What if a breaking-news event happens during your interview and you are asked to comment on it?

  • What do you do then? After all, there is no one next to you to guide you.

Is it enough to show up for your media interviews just with your prepared messaging and executive presence?

That’s what most experts do when it comes to their media training.

30-Years of Media Training

For decades, I’ve been training business executives and entrepreneurs and their teams on how to...

  • Build stronger relationships with the media

  • Select the appropriate spokesperson for media interviews

  • Show up in front of the camera with confidence and concise information

  • Create messages and talking points that will resonate with audiences

If you’ve been telling yourself that you are not a “media person,” that you don’t have the training or the expertise to show up in the media…

Stop right now!

I’ve helped people just like you build a relationship with the media, connect beyond the pitch and be reliable.

"The methods and techniques taught in the course are so versatile that they can be applied to any situation, whether on a social media, podcast, or television interview. Not only did I learn how to get noticed by different media channels, but I also learned how to manage myself during interviews -- mind and body. I enjoyed the holistic approach to handling media interactions and believe that every professional and leader planning to be in front of a camera should take this media training with a FEEL lens.

Thank you for this media training, Deirdre -- you did a phenomenal job!"

Michelle Enriquez

CEO and Mindfulness Strategist 

"I have had the pleasure of working with Deirdre Breakenridge through her firm, Pure Performance Communications, twice over the past seven years. The first time, she worked on Siegel+Gale’s social media program when I served as its Global CMO. Currently, Deirdre is spearheading efforts to raise the profile of key executives at one of my clients, a global digital advertising firm. She’s always a joy to work with – a smart, connected, kind, and energetic communicator who tells it like it is and focuses on getting results." 

Gail Nelson / CMO, B2B Marketing Expert

"I have had the opportunity to work with Deirdre Breakenridge through her firm, Pure Performance Communications, over the past four years. My initial exposure to Deirdre’s perspective was reading her book Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, which I found so inspiring, that I engaged her through Pure Performance. The leadership that Deirdre provided me in terms of reputation rebuilding and rebranding remains foundational to my current practice and continues to be a pillar of my success. Deirdre is a pleasure to work with, well organized, and extremely sensitive and mindful of deadlines, as well as breaking down long term versus short term goals."

Richard Bistrong / CEO, Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC

Hi! I’m Deirdre Breakenridge. I’ve been a career-long storyteller and Chief Relationship Agent (CRA), helping professionals to ignite their engagement, lead the conversation and grow influence through empowered communications. As a PR, marketing and media strategist, I’ve worked with executives to build genuine relationships that make a difference for their businesses.

After 30+ years of media training, I’ve created a communications model and an online assessment to address a missing component in many business relationships. It’s FEEL. Because FEEL is also missing in media relationships, I’ve been helping professionals to deliver emotional intelligence and empathy, openness and inclusiveness, truth and transparency and high energy in their media conversations.

The experts who can show up with vision, knowledge and innovation and apply a FEEL lens, by facing Fears, engaging with Empathy, using Ethics and unleashing the Love in their media interviews, will be the experts who become the go-to and relied upon media sources.  

There are hundreds of thousands of experts who want to interview and command a presence on TV, Radio, Podcasts, and in online media publications. What makes a business leader stand out … the ability to FEEL with the media. My goal: To help leaders connect the strategic mind to the heart so genuine relationships with the media are the reward.

Let’s talk about how you show up in the media and how you increase your media exposure…

When you know how to lock in the interest and engage on the deepest levels, you can show up in the media without fear. There’s no hesitation.

You can make the most of each media opportunity…

You build strong relationships with reporters, editors, producers and key media contacts.

You transform into the sought after expert who is frequently tapped by the media because you understand what it takes to deliver an interview that helps you and others.

To help you do that, I developed a system that anyone can use to get big-name media for their brand and business.

And I can’t wait to share it with you.

Introducing FEEL First - The Media Training with a FEEL Lens

FEEL First - The Media Training with a FEEL Lens is a program specifically designed to help you land media opportunities and grow your business, even if…

  • You’re nervous to interview

  • You don’t know when to stop talking

  • You may give the wrong answer

  • You believe there are experts who are far more knowledgeable than you

  • You believe the interviewer won’t understand you because you have an accent

  • You have no time to interview with the media

FEEL First is the way to lock in the interest, move the opportunity forward, engage on the deepest levels (with your strategic and Emotional Intelligence hats on) and apply your ethics and love to your appearances. 

When you do, you’ve got “Go-To Expert” written all over your face!

Media Training with a FEEL lens embraces the work you’ve done to be a credible expert and moves you to a higher plateau.  

You transform into the sought after expert who is frequently tapped by the media because you understand what it takes to deliver an interview that helps you and others to 

  • face FEARS
  • engage with EMPATHY
  • use ETHICS and good judgment and 
  • unleash your LOVE for your mission/purpose helping others to do the same.

There's a distinct intersection between what you have to offer (your passion fueled by expertise) and what the media and their audiences want from you (their pain points and perspectives to solve issues). 

This is called your Passion Potential. At this intersection is where the FEEL media training begins.

What You’ll Learn on FEEL First - The Media Training with a FEEL Lens Program:

  • How to show emotional intelligence in your interviews

  • How to remove "Ego" to create a better media dynamic and stronger relationships

  • The 4-prong approach to paint a sharper picture of your story

  • How to move beyond your story preparation and "agenda" to understand media and audience attitudes, bias, subject knowledge, and existing narratives

  • How to use body language as a way to interpret how a member of the media feels

What’s included?

As a busy entrepreneur, I know you don’t have the time to spend hours and hours each day stuck in a program. That’s why I designed the program specifically for you. I’ve broken down the material into short videos that you or your team can tackle in a few minutes each day.

Oh, and if you’re wondering, this system works everywhere in the world. Whether you’re in the United States, Europe, Asia or Australia, all the strategies in the FEEL First program can be successfully applied anywhere in the world.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside the program.

Module 1

You will learn how using a FEEL First approach to media interviews sets you apart from other experts who just show up with their talking points. 

Module 2 

You will learn how to overcome the interview blockers and find the Passion Potential or the reason to connect and grow your relationship with the media and the people they serve.

Module 3 

You will learn how to power up FEEL by facing media fears, handling tough discussions with Emotional Intelligence, and letting your energy shine through in any interview.

Module 4 

You will learn how to nail down your messages as you prepare for a matched AGENDA and tough questions that you might not expect to be asked.

Module 5 

You will learn how to connect with the media in different places and then show up to interviews with all of the best channel practices.

Module 6 

You will learn how to get into the media mindset, prep for great body language and command a media presence in any setting.

Module 7 

You will learn to monitor your interview through social channels, maintain your reputation and prepare for interviews related to issues/crisis. 

Module 8 

You will learn how to use your new knowledge of Media Training with a FEEL Lens to not just show up once or twice to an interview but to be the go-to expert and media contributor.

But Wait! There's More...

Here’s what you get with the FEEL First Course

Private, Members Only LinkedIn Group

Join other executives and thought leaders in a private LinkedIn Group moderated by your instructor. Together you'll share challenges, ideas, and get your questions answered. The group is an easy way to continue the FEEL Media Training discussion, during the 8-week program, and post-course, as you continue on with your media journey. 

11 Ways to Expand Your Exposure & Deepen Your Relationships PDF

With each piece of earned media, there's an opportunity to leverage your coverage and to grow your influence. How many times do interviews come and go, without any post interview steps to increase your exposure and to also build those media relationships? You'll benefit from 11 proven tips and practices that will raise your earned media interviews to expert status, and go-to media resource.


Modern communicators make choices every day as they create and implement their campaigns. The Think Ahead approach is a way to use Curiosity, Exploration and Learning to guide you. The presentation offers insights on best practices for campaign timing, having a heart and understanding your customer, using independent thinking in your approach, setting new navigation for your channels and using data intelligence and a workflow process to help amplify your story. At the same time, you'll learn how to always stay ahead of your story, maintaining a favorable reputation and positive image for your brand.

Ready to Get Noticed and Become the Go-To Expert for the Media?

Enroll Now!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

You get 30 days to test drive FEEL First. If you don't love it, I'll give you a full refund.

I know the strategies and tactics you'll learn inside the FEEL First course work. 

For decades, I’ve been training business executives and entrepreneurs and their teams using the FEEL First framework.

I know you'll love this material too and I want you to see how game-changing this course can be, risk-free. That's why I'm including a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Work through FEEL First — watch the videos, complete the homework and action steps — and if you don’t feel you have the proven blueprint to show up in the media, I’ll refund your money. 

I was fortunate enough to go through Media Training with a FEEL lens last winter. Over the years, I've gone through several media trainings, but the FEEL model is unique and allowed me to go beyond the talking points to ensure every aspect of the media encounter had been addressed and was making sense. The FEEL approach allowed me to connect with my audience in an authentic and empathetic way. The training taught me the mechanics of how to put the FEEL model to use leveraging data about my audience, their interests, and what they were engaged with in social media to ensure that I could tailor my message. The model is grounded in real-world exercises that allowed me to put my message and my data into practice.

I love the training and I highly recommend it to you and to all of my colleagues.

Kate Isler, Executive Director of Be Bold Now

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to do media training with a FEEL lens with Deirdre Breakenridge. It was a fabulous program. Through the program, I learned what messages I was sending out that resonated with my target audiences and how to amplify those messages. I also found out what was important to my clients that I wasn't speaking about. Because of the program, I honed my messaging as well as added my voice to important conversations that matter to my clients. The training also helped me understand and meet my clients' needs in a more personal manner, and that's what business is all about, being there for your clients. So, I really encourage you to take this training with Deirdre.

Sheila Murphy,  President & CEO, Focus Forward Consulting

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How can I best prepare for this course?

A: The best way to prepare for this course is to show up with an open mind, ready to take a different approach to your media appearances. You don’t need decades of media experience or spokesperson training. This course will offer you a roadmap to become an expert resource, whether you’re first starting out or you want to make the media relationships you have even better.

Q: Should I be very familiar with different types of media before I take this course? 

A: Having in mind the media that you want to attract or the media that interests you the most, is a good start. Knowing and imagining yourself being featured or interviewed by those outlets is a first step. You know the saying, “Seeing is Believing.” The course will help you to frame out the rest of your media approach using a FEEL lens and take the connections you have to a whole new level.

Q: Is the course self-paced or is there a set time frame for the training modules? 

A: The course has weekly training modules that take place over a two-month period. However, you will have access to all weeks of the course, if you want to go back to re-revisit and study the materials. The course modules will also be available for six months after the initial two month instruction period. We close the course after six months as we are constantly updating our materials in a changing media landscape.

Q: How much time will I need weekly to complete the course? 

A: Each week you will watch about three short introduction videos and three to four instructional movies, which will take about 1.5 to 2 hours. The course handouts and exercises may take you another 2 hours to complete. Setting aside approximately 4 hours a week will be ample time to complete a weekly module successfully.

Q: If I have a small team or I’m working on media pitching and training alone, is this course for me? 

A: Yes, this course is designed for your team to help you with media outreach and getting you ready for interviews. At the same time, it’s for you to use the information for media relationship building and securing interviews yourself, if you are a solopreneur.

Q: Can my team take this course with me? 

A: Yes, you and/or your team will have access to a link to Thinkific platform where all of the course modules reside.

Q: Will I receive a certificate of achievement after I complete the course? 

A: Yes, you will be able to download your course completion certificate after you finish Week 8 of the Media Training with a FEEL Lens.

Join me on a journey to FEEL … why just show up with your messaging, when you can learn how the heart meets the mind and the rewards are the deeper relationships you build with the media and the people they serve.